Located at Oakwood Cemetery in Parsons, KS.
Three hundred seventy-five Civil War Veterans who settled in Parsons, KS after the war are buried in this section.

Circle number two was created in 1889 with the purchase of Lots 7 through 21 of Block 38.
The cast iron archway at circle number two was erected in 1913 and donated by the Ladies of the G.A.R. In 1911 the bronze statues were placed in circle number two. They were made by the W.H. Mullens Company of Salem, Ohio. 

In Memory of
the unknown dead
of the
Civil War, 1861 - 1865
erected by Parsons
Camp No. 23
Sons of the Verterns
and their Auxiliary No. 50
This section is consider Antietam No. 1. In May of 1886 the Antietam Post bought a portion of block 37, including lots 13 through 18 for this section.
The two 8-inch Columbiad Cannons were a gift from the war department in 1898. They weigh 9,250 pounds each. The concrete rotunda in circle number one was constructed in 1905 and stands twenty-eight feet in height. It is topped by a pyramid of cannon balls and an eagle.
In Memory of
Maynard L. Harding
1933 - 2005
Parsons Historian
He believed that
history would give us a
fuller understanding of
ourselves so that we
could better face
the future.
Founder of the Iron
Horse Historical Society.
What a fantastic cemetery and memorials - so impressive!