
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I Find This Sad

Located at Mount Vernon City Cemetery in Mount Vernon, MO.
This is a very nice well maintained plot with obviously two people buried here. Why is it only one has a name attached to it? 
I looked all over for a name to attach to the second grave but there was nothing to find. 
James R Martin
Aug 29, 1830
Nov 25, 1893
Aged 63ys 2ms 26ds

I am gonna go out on a limb and say my best guess is the second person in this plot is his wife who was Paulina (spelled Paulina, Pulina and Pulinia on the census records)  Martin who shows up on Census records with him.

1860 United States Federal Census about James R Martin
Name: James R Martin
Age in 1860: 30
Birth Year: abt 1830
Birthplace: Illinois
Home in 1860: Mount Vernon, Lawrence, Missouri
Gender: Male
Post Office: Mount Vernon
Household Members: Name Age
James R Martin 30
Pauline Martin 20
Benj Martin 62

1870 United States Federal Census about James R Martin
Name: James R Martin
Birth Year: abt 1831
Age in 1870: 39
Birthplace: Illinois
Home in 1870: Mount Vernon, Lawrence, Missouri
Race: White
Gender: Male
Household Members: Name Age
James R Martin 39
Pulina Martin 33

1880 United States Federal Census about James Martin
Name: James Martin
Home in 1880: Vineyard, Lawrence, Missouri
Age: 49
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1831
Birthplace: Illinois
Relation to Head of Household: Self (Head)
Spouse's Name: Pulinia Martin
Father's birthplace: South Carolina
Mother's birthplace: Tennessee
Occupation: Farmer
Marital Status: Married
Race: White
Gender: Male
Household Members: Name Age
James Martin 49
Pulinia Martin 37
Nancy Kelly 50

Monday, May 30, 2011

James F. Hardin - Assassinated

Located at Mount Vernon City Cemetery in Mount Vernon, MO.
Sacred To The
Memory Of
James F. Hardin
Sept 8, 1836
Feby 3, 1876

This is from Find A Grave. (; by I remember when. . ., May 29, 2011.)

"M. L. VanGilder in 1995 notes: 9 December 1875, attorney James F Hardin shot attorney William H. Phelps twice in a court room, who recovered (Phelps had been elected to state legislature in 1872). Then James F. Hardin was gunned down by blasts from shotguns on 3 February 1876 when going home. His widow signed a complaint against William H. and brother Charles H. Phelps with an arrest made. Both acquitted on 28 September, 1876."
 I found this excerpt in an article, Historic Home Auction, that was written in 2006.
"The second occupant, lawyer James F. Hardin, shot another attorney during a court proceeding in December 1875. Hardin died after he was shot in an ambush in February 1876 a short distance from his home."
This is from View From the Courthouse: Abstracts of Lawrence County, Mo., Circuit Court Documents, 1858-1869

"In 1866, James F. Hardin, son-in-law of the Honorable John C. Price, served as Circuit Attorney. Hardin undoubtedly brought some excitement into the proceedings. Following Hardin's murder in Carthage in 1876, his obituary in a Springfield paper defended his character by stating "he was a better man than his sneaking cowardly assassins because whenever he had an enemy who needed to be injured, he met them face to face in public." It was Hardin who shot William H. Phelps in the courthouse at Carthage in 1875."

Sadly I wasn't able to find out much more than this. As always if you discover anymore information please feel free to email me and let me know and I will update the post. 

Friday, May 27, 2011

Order of AHEPA - American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association

A fraternal, cultural, and social organization, the Order of AHEPA (American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association) was founded in 1922 to fight discrimination and to help newly arrived Greeks adapt to American life. Today the Order has over 50,000 members with greater than 500 chapters in the United States, Canada, Australia, Greece, and Cyprus. Also part of the AHEPA Family are the Daughters of Penelope, and the junior orders, the Sons of Pericles, and the Maids of Athena, for young men and women respectively. The AHEPA Family encourages the dissemination of Hellenic ideals and culture, provides financial assistance to various charities, sponsors youth tours to Greece, provides college scholarships, and encourages the study of Greek language and culture. The mission of the AHEPA Family is to promote Hellenism, Education, Philanthropy, Civic Responsibility, and Family and Individual Excellence. (Info from

Thursday, May 26, 2011

The G.A.R. Monument

This is the Grand Army of the Republic Monument at Memorial Park Cemetery in Tulsa, OK.

On all four sides stands this sentries who watch over the graves of those resting around this monument. 

Along the bottom are the following plaques. 
Deep, tender, firm and true, our nation's heart
throbs for her gallant heroes passed away
who, in grim battle's drama, played their part
and slumber here today.

Here is no rank or station - - No high or low estate.
The famous and the are not famous or lowly here.
Every grave is hallowed alike, not for fame, wealth or
wisdom, but for what they and all patriots have done, from
Valley Forge to Heartbreak Ridge, Under the American Flag,
for freedom and the myriad of wonders that are America.
Edward Denton Brewer

In Memory of
The illustrious men of Tulsa count who
gave their lives for their country in the
World War 1917 - 1918
July 16, 1927
American Legion

This graceful spire pointing heavenward, with its four
stone sentries standing guard over the graves of our
honored dead, is the symbol of our gratitude to all our
heros of all American wars.
It keeps fresh in our memories the glorious spirit of
all those boys and girls who left their homes and peaceful
pursuits to fight and die for our country.
Carson-Wilson Post No.1 of the American Legion

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Roosevelt Roughrider

Located at Oaklawn Cemetery in Tulsa, OK.
Thomas F. Meagher
Trumpeter 1 U.S. Vol. Cav
March 5, 1878 - April 21, 1945
Purple Heart

The following excerpt is from Oklahoma Rough Rider: Billy McGinty’s own story  by Billy McGinty, Jim Fulbright, Albert Stehno; pg 22. 

The following excerpt is from The Rough Riders: An Autobiography by Theodore Roosevelt; pg 215

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Cast Iron Angel

I spotted this cast iron angel while wandering around Oaklawn Cemetery in Tulsa, OK.  I've seen many cast iron crosses but this is my first angel.

Mary Malinda Moran
Born Apr 21, 1821
Died Nov 23, 1905

Monday, May 23, 2011

He Got The Last Word

I generally don't make comments about peoples names unless the are unique. I just can't resist this one. Not because it is unique but because it just struck me as if he was getting in the last word.

Located at Norwood Cemetery in Rhea, AR.
I. M. Wright
Feb 7, 1826
Apr 16, 1901

Barbary Wright
May 20, 1832
Feb 18, 1892

Note: Full name is Isom Melchezedec Wright and Barbary's maiden name is Latham.

The following is from Goodspeed Biographical and Historical Memoirs of NW Arkansas; Biographical Appendix, p 909; Benton Co., Pub. 1889.

Isom M. Wright. Prominent among the successful and wealthy farmers of Benton County, Ark. , may be mentioned Mr. Wright, who is deserving of special mention. He was born, reared, educated and married in Alabama, the first event taking place in 1826, and the latter in December, 1847. His wife whose maiden name was Barbra Latham, was born in Alabama in the 20th of May, 1832, and by Mr. Wright became the mother of the following family: William A., James A., Celestia (wife of E. H. Pass), Elizabeth Jane (wife of Samuel Garrett), Henry W., E. L. and Isaac J. In 1850 Mr. Wright moved to Fannin County, Tex., and after residing there about seventeen years came to Benton County, Ark., in the autumn of 1867, where he has been engaged in tilling his valuable farm of 920 acres. He is a Democrat , and during the late war served a few months in the Confederate Army. His parents, William and Clarissa (self) Wright were born in North Carolina in 1800 and 1804, respectively. The father was reared in hi native state, and married in Alabama when he was about twenty-five years of age. He moved to Fannin County, Tex., in 1853, and there resided until his death in 1872. His wife died in Washington County, Ark., October 16, 1885. The following are their children: Isom M., Susan E (widow of J. F. Dabs), William Neton, Zina Catherine (wife of William Shaffin), Mary Adeline (wife of W.L. Gualtny), Jasper A., and Vina Jane (wife of Charles Johnson).

Following info is from

1870 United States Federal Census about Isam Write
Name: Isam Write
Birth Year: abt 1826
Age in 1870: 44
Birthplace: Alabama
Home in 1870: Flint, Benton, Arkansas
Race: White
Gender: Male
Household Members: Name Age
Isam Write 44
Barbara Write 39
James Write 19
Elizabath Write 15
Henry Write 13
Ephriam Write 11
Isaac Write 7
Salestchar Port 17
Elias Port 19

1880 United States Federal Census about Isam Wright
Name: Isam Wright
[Isom Wright]
Home in 1880: Ball, Benton, Arkansas
Age: 44
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1836
Birthplace: Alabama
Relation to Head of Household: Self (Head)
Spouse's Name: Barbra Wright
Father's birthplace: North Carolina
Mother's birthplace: South Carolina
Neighbors: View others on page
Occupation: Farming
Marital Status: Married
Race: White
Gender: Male
Household Members: Name Age
Isam Wright 44
Barbra Wright 88 [48]
Ephram T. Wright 19
Isie J. Wright 16

This census shows him with his second wife Serena who was 19 years younger than him.
1900 United States Federal Census about Isom M Wright
Name: Isom M Wright
Home in 1900: Hico, Benton, Arkansas
[Siloam Springs, Benton, Arkansas]
Age: 74
Birth Date: Feb 1826
Birthplace: Alabama
Race: White
Gender: Male
Relationship to head-of-house: Head
Father's Birthplace: N Carolina
Mother's Birthplace: N Carolina
Spouse's Name: Sarena E Wright
Marriage year: 1899
Marital Status: Married
Years married: 1
Occupation: View on Image
Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members: Name Age
Isom M Wright 74
Sarena E Wright 55

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Migrating Mound Builders

This was an unexpected find while visiting a cemetery. Which you can see in the back ground of the historical marker. On the back of this marker it says  "Locally known as the Old Spanish Fort" but it was named Fort Ancient after a study of more than 40 years by Dr. E. M. Shepard, an archaeologist and geologist.

Located at Spanish Fort Cemetery aka Fort Ancient Cemetery in Mount Vernon, MO.
Fort Ancient believed to
have been constructed
by a group of eastward
migrating mound builders,
a band of Indians
probably long antedating
the Osages, on their way
to what is now Ohio.
These earthworks are a
small replica of the
Ohio, where this
prehistoric group reached
it's greatest culmination.
This tribe probably had
it's village in the valley,
and used these
fortifications for defense.
First pioneers describe
the walls as originally
about 5 ft high and the
moat 2 ft deep.
Springfield University
Club Historical Marker
No. 16 Erected Oct 1930

I was unable to get photos of the mounds due to the over grown grass.  But I was able to find this photo posted on By GEO*Trailblazer1.

You can see the mound that runs along under the marker and turns and runs left from the marker. The marker says the mounds were originally about 5 ft high, some believe they were as much as 15 ft high.

Springfield - Greene County Library
A Fun Note: This cemetery is said to be haunted and many have witnessed  glowing red lights that sometimes appear around the cemetery.  Guess I should plan a night time trip back with a video camera. Sadly I did not experience any paranormal activity while I was there.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Forgotten Pioneers

I recently came across this sad sight. Strange thing is that half this cemetery was well maintained. I spotted this marker about 20 feet from the cleared section. I wonder why they maintained part of this cemetery but not all of it.

Located at Shelton Cemetery in Mount Vernon, MO.
I could also see the tops of about 3 other markers. I wasn't brave enough to risk getting snake bit, or chiggers, or poison ivy or whatever else lurked there to get any closer. I was able to zoom in with my camera and get this much of  the marker.
Buried here are Moses
Hurt Shelton (1804 - 1869)
& wife Nancy Clark Shelton
(1813 - 1869), Vineyard TWP
pioneer settlers who left
Pittsylvania Co., Va in 1836,
lived ?0 years in Todd Co.,
Kansas and moved to  Lawrence
Co. Mo.

It says something about owning a farm nearby but I can't make out enough to tell any more. The rest is sadly hidden by the weeds.

Here is the information I could find on

U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 about Moses Hurt Shelton
Name: Moses Hurt Shelton
Gender: Male
Birth Year: 1801
Spouse Name: Nancy Clark
Spouse Birth Year: 1813
Marriage Year: 1828
Number Pages: 1

Virginia Marriages, 1740-1850 about Nancy C. Shelton
Groom Name: Moses H. Shelton
Bride Name: Nancy C. Shelton
Marriage Date: 20 Oct 1828
County: Pittsylvania
State: Virginia

1860 United States Federal Census

1860 United States Federal Census about Moses H Shelton
Name: Moses H Shelton
Age in 1860: 56
Birth Year: abt 1804
Birthplace: Virginia
Home in 1860: Vineyard, Lawrence, Missouri
Gender: Male
Post Office: Gilbert Station
Household Members: Name Age
Moses H Shelton 56
Nancy C Shelton 47
Chas C Shelton 29
Virginia Shelton 21
Giddion F Shelton 19
John D Shelton 17
Letcy F Shelton 10
Jas B Shelton 3

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Strip Mall Cemetery - Tullahasse Creek Indian Cemetery

I have heard about this cemetery for years. So on Sunday I finally made the two and a half hour drive to see it. 

A Brief History
It's first burial was in 1883 and its last was in 1912. This cemetery was also known as Adams Creek Cemetery. There are roughly 38 people known to be buried at this cemetery. Most of them reside in unmarked graves, only 11 markers still remain. The cemetery was created by Lt. Thomas Adams, a Creek Indian that served in the Civil War. He founded the settlement of Oktahv Uekiwa now known as Sand Spring, OK. As always many years after the finally burial progress encroached on the area.  But thankfully the person who owned the land stipulated that the person purchasing it had to maintain the cemetery. The cemetery is only 1/4 of an acre and is an island of fenced grass in a sea of asphalt. Sadly the cemetery was not surveyed before it was fenced off.  There is a good chance that there are several graves outside the fence and beneath the asphalt.

Here is a satellite view of the cemetery.
There is no mistaking all the progress that has gone on around this little cemetery.

 Just inside the gate is there is a plaque that my daughter and I had to dig up to read.  It was half buried under dirt and grass.
The plaque reads:

Creek Indian Cemetery
Est 1883

Buried here in this historic cemetery is the Confederate Creek Indian Veteran
Lt. Thomas Adams, who founded the settlement of Oktahv Uekiwa (Sand Springs).
Shortly following the Civil War. Listed below are the names of the persons
buried here. Their burial dates are from 1883 to 1912. May they rest in peace.

Thomas Adams
Micco Fixco
Mrs Nubsie Fixco
Joseph Jefferson
Mrs General Adams
Mrs Joseph Adams
Miss Lausisa Adams
Miss Nancy Adams
Boy Adams
Samuel Adams
James Adams
Mrs Mollayar (Harjo) Adams Daughter of Samuel Adams
Nokus Harjo
Mrs Nancy Gooden
Mrs Vurn Tiger
Mrs Salle Sish
Lena Siah
James Siah
Mrs Nancy Scott
Andy Scott
Sunday Scott
Mrs Cimhoka Emarthla
Mrs Hattie Emarthla
Abram Emarthla
Kepe Emarthla
Mrs Mary Emarthla
Mrs Ceneta Mitchell
Martha Fuswa
Hargo Fuswa
Mr Fuswa
Isckee Deer

This cemetery has been restored thur the efforts of
John Franklin Turner Eagle Scott 1986

I noticed that not all the names are on this list.  It seems that they left off the ones who still have remaining headstones. 

There are three markers with no names on them.

April 21, 1886

Note: I believe this is Lt. Thomas Adams Co. H, 1st Creek Cavalry Regiment, C.S.A.- Born ca 1821.
Dau of
S & S
May 31, 1901
Mar 30, 1902 
She was the sunshine
of our home.

Dau of
A & N Scott
Born Sep 7, 1900
Died Oct 2, 1901

Jan 5, 1856
June 2, 1910

Note: No first name is visible.

Gabriel Emarthla
Born 1884
Died July 7, 1910

Seba Rakko
Died Nov 27, 1911
Age 66 Yrs

Note: There is a G.A.R. emblem on his marker.

James Adams
July 17, 1910
Feb 19, 1911

Samuel C
Oct 30, 1883
Feb 13, 1911

Located in the center of the cemetery in a plaque that was placed by the Tulsa Chapter Daughters Of  The American Revolution. That calls the cemetery "Old Indian Cemetery".

I was able to find the following picture of this cemetery that was taken in 1883. It appears that there may have been Grave Houses in this cemetery at one time.  Though it is kinda hard to tell for sure from the photo.
Photo from Tulsa's Haunted Memories By Teri French pg 128

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Symbol: Red Cross Nurse

General when I find a symbol on a headstone identifying the person as nurse it is almost always the caduceus either with a LN (Licensed Nurse) or and RN (Registered Nurse).

So when I seen this one my first though was cool they went old school style. But come to find out this is what is called the Red Cross Nurses badge.

History of the Red Cross Nurse
The red cross symbol of first aid represents an international humanitarian movement that began in Switzerland during the late 19th century and influenced the creation of the "American Red Cross." Volunteers and nurses were first recruited to assist people in their homes with hygiene and care for the sick at a time when there was a growing demand for medical services. Nearly 100,000 Red Cross nurses volunteered to provide aid during World War I and II. The nursing service now responds to issues of health and safety, disaster response and civilian blood programs. (, May 12, 2011)

American Red Cross Nursing
War World I