I posted her name as Annie Applemar in the previous post. I now believe her name is actually Annie Apple Van Marm, thanks to a much better photo posted on Arkansas Gravestones Project website and a little research I have done.
Here is the photo that Vickie Kane posted on the Arkansas Gravestones Project website.
You can clearly read "Annie Apple Marm" but if you look real close you can see the word "Van" is wedged in as if it was originally forgotten and added later.
So I started researching both names and this is the information I have come up with.
I may be reading this wrong but to me the following sounds to me as if Annie's mother, Luana, is writing to this website and also channeling Annie as well. I could be completely wrong but that is the way I am reading it. You can also go to the cited link below and see where Luana said :"Annie Apple is dead....and working INTENSLY with all of Us here, form beyond the vail"
Letters From Annie Apple's Mom (and Annie Apple) (http://www.educate-yourself.org/lte/letterannieapplesmom14sep05.shtml , April 29, 20011)
From: luana
To: Educate-Yourself
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2005 10:11 PM
Subject: Re: POWERFUL , Mother, Priestesses
Yes, Miss Annie Apple Van Marm, "The Rainbow Dancer"
She was the vegan, tye dye queen, and stage dancer for the Greatful Dead, She danced with beautiful rainbow scarfs that She dyed Herself.
Hit on a bridge by a Wal Mart truck, the cameras immidiately started rolling right after the accident, so I saw the whole thing from many angles....a hundred times....including the part where She looked into the camera and whispered "mamma" ....and than, with the speed of insanity, She gasped and died.
500 people showed up for Her funeral and She is still to this day a local, and even an international legend......
Annie was Jerry Garcia's and Bobby Wier's favorite tye dye artist and stage dancer, singer and 12 string guitar player.....they came to Her funeral and payed for everything....so did Willy Nelson and members of his family
The article of her death and life was on the frount page of the Arkansas newspaper and they refered to Her as a "national Treasure"....Her beauty and power and art and dancing and music were also mentioned.
Her Father is Bernard Petar Van Marm who is a multimedia artist in Chicago
She never went to any school....She was a raw food vegan all of Her life. She studyed music and art since She was 5 years old
To say that She was physicaly beautiful, that would be an understatement...Long Golden Hair and big fat lips and boobs, and dazzeling blue eyes.
That is how She was in Life
This is how She is now
Hi Ken,Wow !
This is Annie, I read a lot of Your posts with My Mom, and of course She reads aloud all of the very amazing letters and s.a. s that are written in from others. I am here just outside of a warp from my Mom, I am here with a group of very cool and informed dead people and we work like You in-body do, we help pull everything together. I stay here with my mom and sister, Delilah, a lot, and I do many things for them because I am now able to go in and out of them, so I sometimes lend them my perspectives, and to gather we have been doing a lot of magic with our work to increase the Heart vibration of Earth Humans both dead and living.
Just like where You are there in body, there are also MANY dangers here, and MUCH work to be done....the lower levels here are choked with fumes and little pieces of Our Mother's Heart that just drift aimlessly without much consciousness ...My Mother and I have opted to go to these places and magnetically pull these tortured and confused magnetic particles into Our Loving Hearts, bring them to "the Light" and figure out what they need to live and be happy and sweet....again.
I very much appreciate it that You are curious about Me, very flattered and I Love the Miracle of being able to talk to You.
Annie Apple Van Marm
Luana here, Why did You say that You were "Facinated"....was that a typo? cause if it wasn't....OMG !!!
I'm still on storm control duty so I gotta get back to that now.
Dont worry if I say "I Love You" ....in My clan here at My cottage we use "I Love You's" like comas and periods....just not the fake kind of "I Love Yous" rather We say I Love You in FULL counciousness.....so stress not ....We REALLY DO, "Love You"
so sue Us
Luana, Delilah and Annie Apple
I also found a website that had a photo of Annie's grave and the referred to it as a Local Witch's Grave. (You can click the link and read what they have written about it.)**************************************************
Here is another photo I took at a different visit http://escapetothesilentcities.blogspot.com/2010/08/just-photo-i-like_15.html
Photos of Annie can bee seen here http://escapetothesilentcities.blogspot.com/2011/06/update-annie-apple-van-marm.html