Saturday, April 30, 2011

Update: Annie Apple Van Marm

Back in May of 2010 I posted a blog titled "Complete with real skulls" of this very interesting grave located in the I.O.O.F. cemetery in Eureka Springs, AR.
I posted her name as Annie Applemar in the previous post.  I now believe her name is actually Annie Apple Van Marm, thanks to a much better photo posted on Arkansas Gravestones Project website and a little research I have done.

Here is the photo that Vickie Kane posted on the Arkansas Gravestones Project website.
You can clearly read "Annie Apple Marm" but if you look real close you can see the word "Van" is wedged in as if it was originally forgotten and added later.

So I started researching both names and this is the information I have come up with.

I may be reading this wrong but to me the following sounds to me as if Annie's mother, Luana, is writing to this website and also channeling Annie as well.  I could be completely wrong but that is the way I am reading it. You can also go to the cited link below and see where Luana said :
"Annie Apple is dead....and working INTENSLY with all of Us here, form beyond the vail"

Letters From Annie Apple's Mom (and Annie Apple) ( , April 29, 20011)
From: luana
To: Educate-Yourself
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2005 10:11 PM
Subject: Re: POWERFUL , Mother, Priestesses

Yes, Miss Annie Apple Van Marm, "The Rainbow Dancer"

She was the vegan, tye dye queen, and stage dancer for the Greatful Dead, She danced with beautiful rainbow scarfs that She dyed Herself.

Hit on a bridge by a Wal Mart truck, the cameras immidiately started rolling right after the accident, so I saw the whole thing from many angles....a hundred times....including the part where She looked into the camera and whispered "mamma" ....and than, with the speed of insanity, She gasped and died.

500 people showed up for Her funeral and She is still to this day a local, and even an international legend......

Annie was Jerry Garcia's and Bobby Wier's favorite tye dye artist and stage dancer, singer and 12 string guitar player.....they came to Her funeral and payed for did Willy Nelson and members of his family

The article of her death and life was on the frount page of the Arkansas newspaper and they refered to Her as a "national Treasure"....Her beauty and power and art and dancing and music were also mentioned.

Her Father is Bernard Petar Van Marm who is a multimedia artist in Chicago

She never went to any school....She was a raw food vegan all of Her life. She studyed music and art since She was 5 years old

To say that She was physicaly beautiful, that would be an understatement...Long Golden Hair and big fat lips and boobs, and dazzeling blue eyes.

That is how She was in Life

This is how She is now

Hi Ken,
This is Annie, I read a lot of Your posts with My Mom, and of course She reads aloud all of the very amazing letters and s.a. s that are written in from others. I am here just outside of a warp from my Mom, I am here with a group of very cool and informed dead people and we work like You in-body do, we help pull everything together. I stay here with my mom and sister, Delilah, a lot, and I do many things for them because I am now able to go in and out of them, so I sometimes lend them my perspectives, and to gather we have been doing a lot of magic with our work to increase the Heart vibration of Earth Humans both dead and living.

Just like where You are there in body, there are also MANY dangers here, and MUCH work to be done....the lower levels here are choked with fumes and little pieces of Our Mother's Heart that just drift aimlessly without much consciousness ...My Mother and I have opted to go to these places and magnetically pull these tortured and confused magnetic particles into Our Loving Hearts, bring them to "the Light" and figure out what they need to live and be happy and sweet....again.

I very much appreciate it that You are curious about Me, very flattered and I Love the Miracle of being able to talk to You.

Annie Apple Van Marm
Wow !

Luana here, Why did You say that You were "Facinated"....was that a typo? cause if it wasn't....OMG !!!

I'm still on storm control duty so I gotta get back to that now.


Dont worry if I say "I Love You" My clan here at My cottage we use "I Love You's" like comas and periods....just not the fake kind of "I Love Yous" rather We say I Love You in FULL stress not ....We REALLY DO, "Love You"

so sue Us

Luana, Delilah and Annie Apple
I also found a website that had a photo of Annie's grave and the referred to it as a  Local Witch's Grave.  (You can click the link and read what they have written about it.)

I am still looking for more information so if any of you happen to come across any please feel free to send it my way.


Here is another photo I took at a different visit

Photos of Annie can bee seen here

Friday, April 29, 2011

I'm back!

Thankfully it did not take as long as I had expected to get a new computer so I am back up and running.  I will be posting again by tomorrow.

Thanks everyone for the wonderful emails I received over the past week. I have some of the best followers ever!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Bad News

Due to my computer being fried by lightning it may be a while before I can post any more entries. Please don't fret, as soon as I can replace my computer I will be back up and posting. I'm just bummed about the whole thing. Worst time ever for this to happen.

So my art project at the moment is the sign I'm making "will work for new computer". Lol

Take care and I hope to be back up and running soon.

Cpl John Edward Poole

Located at Morriss Cemetery in Hindsville, AR.
CPL John Edward Poole
Feb 5, 1949 - Nov 15, 1969

Beloved son of Lawrence and Jessie Poole.
Brother of Linda. Killed in Phuoc Long
Province, Republic of Vietnam at 11:20 A.M.
on Nov. 15, 1969 at the age of 20yrs
9 mos 10 days.

Always smiling, Johnnie Loved much and
was loved. He looked for the best in
others and gave the best he had. His life
was an inspiration.

The following information is from , April 2011.

Vietnam War: U.S. Military Casualties, 1956-1998 about John Edward Poole
Name: John Edward Poole
Birth Date: 5 Feb 1949
Death Date: 15 Nov 1969
Home City: Hindsville
Home State: Arkansas
SSN/Service #: 429982064
Death Date: 15 Nov 1969
Casualty Country: Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam)
Tour Start Date: 3 Aug 1969
Service Branch: Department of the Army
Component: Selective Service
Rank: Corporal
Military Grade: Corporal
Pay Grade: Private First Class (U.S. Army) or Airman First Class (U.S. Air Force) or Lance Corporal (U.S. Marine Corps) or Grade/Rate Abbreviations With First Column: A,C,D,F,H,S,Or T; Second Column: A; Third And Fourth Columns: Blank (U.S. Navy, U.S. Coast Guard)
Company: C Co
Regiment: 12th Cav
Batallion: 2nd Bn
Province: 14
Decoration: Not Available
CN: Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam)
Service Occupation: Light Weapons Infantry (ARMY)
Data Source: Coffelt Database

Vietnam War: U.S. Military Casualties, 1956-1998 about John Edward Poole
Name: John Edward Poole
Birth Date: 5 Feb 1949
Death Date: 15 Nov 1969
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Race: Caucasian (White)
Home City: Hindsville
Home State: Arkansas
Religion: Baptist - Other Groups
Marital Status: Single (Spouse Not Listed)
SSN/Service #: 429982064
Citizen Status: U.S.
Death Date: 15 Nov 1969
Processed Date: Nov 1969
Casualty Country: Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam)
Casualty Type: Hostile - Killed
Casualty Reason: Explosive Device (Grenade, Mine, Booby Trap, etc.)
Casualty Air: Ground Casualty
Body Status: Body Recovered
Service Branch: Department of the Army
Component: Selective Service
Military Grade: Corporal
Pay Grade: Private First Class (U.S. Army) or Airman First Class (U.S. Air Force) or Lance Corporal (U.S. Marine Corps) or Grade/Rate Abbreviations With First Column: A,C,D,F,H,S,Or T; Second Column: A; Third And Fourth Columns: Blank (U.S. Navy, U.S. Coast Guard)
Province: Military Region 3 - Phuoc Long
Length of Service : 00
Service Occupation: Light Weapons Infantry (ARMY)
Data Source: Combat Area Casualties Current File

A memorial can be viewed at That states his name appears on panel 16W, line 081 of the Vietnam Memorial Wall in Washington D.C.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Sears Ads - Fall 1905

Here is a collection of headstones that appeared in the Sears Catalogue in the Fall of 1905. I am sure many of you have seen a number of these dotting the landscape of some of your favorite haunts. I know I have.

Friday, April 22, 2011


I found this marker at Lincoln Cemetery in Lincoln, AR and have been unable to find any information on what happened.  So if you have any ideas please feel free to share them. Would love to know the story behind this marker.

How desolate our home bereft of thee
J. W. Murry
Oct 28, 1878
Sept 6, 1908

UPDATE: Thank you Pugbug for the information!  Have I ever mentioned I have the greatest followers? You guys are always so wonderfully helpful.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Update: The West Family Crosses

In Sept of 2010 I posted a blog on the West Family Crosses. Thanks to my friend Theresa more information was found. 


Captain Digby B. West, who became well known as one of the successful farmers of Arkansas, established his home in the vicinity of Berryville in 1889 and there resided to the time of his demise in 1902. He was fifty-six years of age when death called him, for his birth occurred in Ireland in 1846. He was a son of Dean West, who was a dean of the Episcopal church of Ardagh, Ireland, and later in Presteign, Wales. Digby B. West was the third in order of birth in a family of eight children.

He acquired a good education in an agricultural college at Cirencester, England, and was a magistrate in County Roscommon, Ireland, and also became captain of the Royal Longford Rifles of Ireland. He came to America in 1882, settling on a farm in Texas, and remained in that state for seven years, but his experience
there was anything but encouraging. His family were all sick and he lost considerable money while attempting to found a home in the Lone Star state. He had enough left to bring his family to Arkansas, when in 1889 he decided to try his fortune in this state and settled on a farm which he purchased near Berryville. Immediately he began to prosper and he continued to live on his farm throughout his remaining days, devoting his attention to the work of further improvement and development. In 1900 he set out a nice apple orchard of fifty acres and in 1920 Mrs. West shipped sixteen carloads of fine apples. It was in England, in 1868, that Mr. West was united in marriage to Miss Fanny Louisa Swindell, who was born in England, near London. She is a daughter of John S. and Mary Louisa (Bond) Swindell. Her father was a highly educated man, being a graduate of the Royal Engineers College of England, and he devoted his life to the profession of civil engineering. Mr. and Mrs. West became the parents of thirteen children, of whom eight are living: Francis married W. J. Jamison of Baltimore, and they are now living in Berryville. He has devoted his attention to the hotel and banking business and he also managed Deer Park Hotel, Maryland, in the summer seasons; Digby West, the second of the family, is mentioned elsewhere in this work; Sidney is an engineer on an ocean steamship and makes his home at San Francisco, California; Charles is a druggist of Minnesota; Fred is a railroad man, living at Eureka Springs, Arkansas; Heyrick C. follows farming in the vicinity of Berryville; Lucy is the wife of E. V. Wier, conducting a dry goods store in the vicinity of San Diego, California; John lives on his mother's farm and manages the orchard. All are members of the Episcopal church, but as there is no church of that denomination in Berryville, Mrs. West attends the Methodist Episcopal church and is pianist for the congregation. In politics Mr. West was an ardent democrat. Mrs. West lives in a comfortable home in Berryville. The family is most highly esteemed and Mr. West left to his wife and children not only a comfortable competence but also that priceless heritage of an untarnished name.

Citation: Centennial History of Arkansas Volume II Chicago-Little Rock: The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company 1922

File at:

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Unusual Cause of Death - Originally believed he had drowned...

Located st Shady Grove Cemetery in Springdale, AR.
Wm. H Trowbridge
1882 - 1912

The Springdale News
June 14, 1912

TROWBRIDGE, William H. – Will Trowbridge lost his life Monday afternoon about four o'clock while bathing in Kings River, twelve miles southeast of Eureka Springs and about 3 ½ miles from Grandview. His death was a peculiar one and was not due to drowning, as was first supposed, but was caused by congestion of the lungs. Some six weeks ago he and his family went to Eureka Springs to make their home, Will having secured a position with a painter and paper hanger at that place. Monday the gentleman by whom he was employed, with four other workmen, among the number being Bert Herrington, brother-in-law of deceased, went out on King River to do some work for a party living in that locality. Having arrived after the noon hour it was decided not to begin on the job until Tuesday morning and to spend the afternoon bathing and fishing. Will and two of his companions remained in the water while the others started out to find some bait with which to fish and as they were leaving Will called to the two companions, who could swim, to come out where he was and he would show them how. Immediately after he spoke he clasped his hands to his breast and sank and never came to the top again. The body was recovered within ten or fifteen minutes after it sank and was directly where it went down. Those in the party worked for more than an hour in an effort to revive him but without result. The deputy county coroner, who is postmaster at Grandview, went to the scene and held an inquest, the verdict of the jury being that deceased came to his death while in the water from some cause unknown. The body was taken to Eureka Springs Monday night, reaching there early Tuesday morning where it was embalmed fro shipment to this place. The embalmer said that death was due to congestion of the lungs and that Will was undoubtedly dead before he ever sank under the water. He had been complaining some of his lungs troubling him and had a slight cold at the time he went into the water, which probably brought on the attack. The water where he went under was not over five feet deep. The body arrived in Springdale Tuesday evening accompanied by the widow and little daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Herrington of Eureka Springs and Herbert Sturdivant of this place, a brother-in-law of the deceased, who went to Eureka Springs Tuesday morning. Mrs. B.F. Herington and daughter, Mrs. Thiele of Perry, Ok., arrived Wednesday at noon, the former being the mother of Mrs. Trowbridge. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at three o'clock at the home of Mrs. Daniel Plummer, mother of the deceased, and the remains were interred in the cemetery at Shady Grove, south of town, services being conducted by Eld. B.F. Lively, pastor of the Christian church. William H. Trowbridge was a son of Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Trowbridge and was born at Prairie Grove in this county, June 26, 1882. Most of his life had been spent in this community. In November 1905 he was united in marriage to Miss Mable Herrington who, together with one child, a daughter some five years old, survive him. Deceased is also survived by his mother and a brother, Mack Trowbridge. His father died some ten years ago. The funeral services Wednesday after were largely attended and there were many expressions of sympathy for the bereaved wife and mother.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Henson Brothers

Located at Shady Grove Cemetery in Springdale, AR.
Thomas David Henson
1888 - 1906

Louis Emery Henson
1897 - 1926

Now cometh rest and peace eternal.

The Springdale News
January 26, 1906

HENSON, Thomas David - {from Johnson} Mr. and Mrs. Bird Henson are mourning the death of their son, Thomas, aged 17 years, who died very suddenly Friday night after a short illness. He was laid to rest in Shady Grove cemetery Saturday evening.

The Springdale News
February 2, 1906

Thomas David, son of Mr. and Mrs. A.B. Henson, was born October 6, 1888 and died January 20, 1906 aged seventeen years, three months and seventeen days. His was indeed a beautiful young life. Tommie, as his friends loved to call him, was in many respects a model home boy, truthful, kind and industrious, never so tired but that he was ready to help father of mother. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. I.M. Phillips at Shady Grove church, after which the remains were laid to rest to await the resurrection morn. A Friend.

Rogers Democrat
Rogers, Benton County, Arkansas
May 20, 1926

HENSON, Louis E. - Springdale, May 15. - Louis E. Henson, 29, widely known resident of this vicinity and for two years principal of the Springdale High School, was found dangling from the rafters of the barn of his home three miles south of here late this afternoon and a coroner's jury returned a verdict of suicide. Henson had been living with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T.B. Henson, for the past several months and was said to have been suffering from nervous trouble. His father left the home about 1:30 in the afternoon to attend a school meeting at Shady Grove and his mother accompanied him to visit some neighbors. When they returned home they could not find their son but later he was located in the barn was thought to have been dead several hours. The rope had been tied to a rafter and his neck was protected by a soft cloth. His hands were in his pockets when he was discovered.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Dr. Jackson's Eye Water

Located at Grandview Cemetery in Grandview, AR.
Gone Home

Alvah W
Son of
J.F. and M.E. Jackson
Born Jan 2, 1860
Died Sept 6, 1863
Flora V Dau of
J.F. and M.E. Jackson
Feb 16, 1862
Sept 12, 1863

Jesus sade suffer little
Children to come unto
Me and forbid them not
For of such is the kingdom
Of God. Mark XCXIVV

Sacred to the memory of

July 25, 1806
May 21, 1880
Also his wife
Oct 2, 1807
Sept 10, 1875
Their worthy deeds
while on Earth with us
Shal live beyand the

The following info is from , April 17, 2011.

U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 about Alvah F. Jackson
Name: Alvah F. Jackson
Gender: Male
Birth Place: GA
Birth Year: 1806
Spouse Name: Nancy Virginia Coleman
Birth Place: VA
Spouse Birth Year: 1807
Year: 1828
Marriage State: KY
Number Pages: 1

U.S. Federal Census Mortality Schedules, 1850-1885 about Sleah Jackson
Name: Sleah Jackson [Alvah Jackson]
Gender: Male
Race: White
Marital Status: Widowed
Place of Birth: Georgia
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1806
Age: 74
Month of Death: May
Cause of Death: Poisoned
Census Year: 1880
Census Location: (City, County, State)
Eureka Springs, Carroll, Arkansas
Enumeration District: 24
Line: 26

Jasper County, Missouri Deaths 1878-1905 about Alvah, Dr. Jackson
Name: Alvah, Dr. Jackson
Age or Birthdate: * cr
Death Date: 21 May 1880
Issue Date: 26 May 1880

Dr. Alvah Jackson is mentioned in History of Benton, Washington, Carroll, Madison, Crawford, Franklin, and Sebastian Counties. Information found on, April 17, 2011.

Dr. Alvah Jackson is also written about in Pioneer tales of Eureka Springs and Carroll County. Information found on, April 17, 2011. 

The following pages are also from Pioneer tales of Eureka Springs and Carroll County.

You can even find his "Dr. Jackson's Eye Water" mentioned on Nestle Waters website and Ozarka's website.

John L.C.
Son of
J.M. and M.J. Jackson
Feb 23, 1873
Feb 14, 1880

Budded on earth to
Bloom in Heaven.

Johney we mis the at

L.A. Jackson
Oct 25, 1842
Nov 20, 1863
Mrs. N.J. Roberson
Dau of
A. and N. Jackson
Apr 26, 1845
Nov 27, 1868

Gone but not forgotten

Info is from, April 17, 2011

U.S. Civil War Soldier Records and Profiles about L A Jackson
Name: L A Jackson
Rank at enlistment: Private
State Served: Arkansas
Service Record: Enlisted in Company H, Arkansas Johnson's Infantry Regiment.
Sources: Index to Compiled Confederate Military Service Records

U.S. Civil War Soldiers, 1861-1865 about L.A. Jackson
Name: L.A. Jackson
Side: Confederate
Regiment State/Origin: Arkansas
Regiment Name: Cocke's Regiment, Arkansas Infantry
Regiment Name Expanded: Cocke's Regiment, Arkansas Infantry
Company: H
Rank In: Private
Rank In Expanded: Private
Rank Out: Private
Rank Out Expanded: Private
Film Number: M376 roll 12

Friday, April 15, 2011

Update: Joplin - Neosho Train Crash

I have blogged on this inccident twice before. The orginal post, in May 2010, was fairly basic. But the second post, in February 2011, I was able to track down most of the death certificates of the victims.  After writting the second post I made a trip back to the Neosho I.O.O.F. Cemetery to see if I could locate the headstones of the ones who are buried there.  Sadly the snow had not melted off enought to do much searching.  However, I was able to find the Harmon Family Plot that sits directly behind the Memorial Monument. I do plan to go back soon and see if I can find any others.

This is the Harmon Family Plot marker

Feb 24, 1880
Aug 5, 1914

Feb 5, 1906
Aug 5, 1914

Aug 3, 1901
Aug 5, 1914

Dec 10, 1909
Aug 5, 1914

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Spanish-American War Veteran

Located at Chouteau Cemetery in Chouteau, OK.
Charles K. Reaves
Spanish-American War Veteran
Co. G, 3rd Georgia Infantry

B.L.E. (Emblem)
No 583
Son of
James and Ophelia Reaves
Born at Athens, GA
July 26, 1881
Died April 12, 1918

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Unusual Cause of Death - Fractured Femur

Located at Saginaw Cemetery in Saginaw, MO.
Berttie A
Nov 28, 1829 - Mar 27, 1916

Cause of Death: Fractured Femur Fall Accidental

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Hand Made Memorial

Located at Stuckey Cemetery in Johnson, AR.
James D
Jun 10, 1965 - Jun 11, 1965

Monday, April 11, 2011

Darkness Never Silenced Her Song

Located at Ganderville Cemetery in Summers, AR
Margaret Ann
Waite Gibson
May 15, 1946 - Mar 17, 1993


Friday, April 8, 2011

Stating the Obvious

Located at Ganderville Cemetery in Summers, AR.
It is obvious the book is closed did it really need pointed out?

Matilda R
1836 - 1894

R. G. Estes
1818 - 1902

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Seeing Doubles

Located at Friendship Cemetery in Springdale, AR.
Ruth N White
Dec 24, 1947
Apr 23, 2009
A loving wife,