

I am just starting this page so it is kind of small now but I will be adding to it regularly.

A.A. - alcoholics anonymous

A.I.M.E.  - American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers

A.O.P. - Ancient Order Of Pyramids

A.O.U.W - Ancient Order of United Workmen

A.E.F. - American Expeditionary Forces

American Legion

B.A.Y. - Brotherhood of American Yoeman

B.R.T. (B.of R.T.) - Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen

B.P.O.E - Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks

B.S.A. - Boy Scouts of America

C.S.A. - Confederate States Army



D.A.R. - Daughters Of The American Revolution

D of M - Dames of Malta

Daughters of the Nile

DeMolay Legion of Honor


F. & A. M. - Free and Accepted Masons

F.E.C.M.U. - Royal Neighbors of America

F.C.B. - Knight of Pythias 

F.L.T. - Fraternal Order of Odd Fellows

F.O.P. - Fraternal Order of  Police

G.A.R. - Grand Army of The Republic