
Saturday, November 26, 2011

A Wishing Well For Jesse

Located at Blagg Cemetery in Siloam Springs, AR.

James "Jesse" W. Beyers
Apr 20, 1950 - Feb 11, 2008
Jesse was a member of Key Lodge #7 in Siloam Springs, and a Past Master of Highland Hills Masonic Lodge #1373 in San Antonino, Texas. He was a Civil War reenactor with the 26th Texas Calvary, CSA. He loved the outdoors, metal detecting, and most of all, his family.  His ashes are interred here beneath these stones.  He met upon the level, acted by the plumb, and parted upon the square.
"Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it" Ecclesiastes 12:7

The Morning News

Saturday, February 16, 2008

SILOAM SPRINGS -- James "Jesse" W. Beyers, 57, of Siloam Springs died Feb. 11, 2008, in Siloam Springs. He was born April 20, 1950, in San Antonio, Texas, to Walter and Georgia Hooper Beyers.

He worked for the B&K Grocery for several years and for the Sav-A-Trip in Siloam Springs. He was president of the Arkoma Coin and Relic metal detecting club, a Civil War re-enactor, a member of the Key Lodge 7 Masonic Lodge in Siloam Springs, and was a past master of the Highland Hills Masonic Lodge 1373 in Texas.

Survivors include his mother of Liberty, Ill.; a son; two daughters; a sister; and two grandchildren.

Visitation will be from 4 to 8 p.m. Tuesday at the Backstrom-Pyeatte Funeral home in Siloam Springs. A memorial service will begin at 6 p.m.


  1. I just wanted to say that I ran across this typing in Key Lodge 7 into google. I don't know who took this picture or who published it to this website but I do want to add this: I'm also a member of Key Lodge 7 in Siloam, & Jesse is my father. My name is Matt Beyers & upon his death, I interred some of his ashes at this cemetary in a grave overlooking the property of Pete Allen. This was done because back in the 90s my father metal detected Allen's farm & discovered a Civil War camp which belonged to General James G. Blunt's Union forces before the battle of Prairie Grove. I still have relics & artifacts from his hunts. He was so very proud of this discovery. I do want to think the creator of this page for his memorial. It struck me as odd to find his grave online, but after seeing what has been done with the picture, I'm very grateful. Thanks again.

  2. I am glad you found my post. And thanks for the information. If there is any other information about him you would like posted just let me know.

  3. I did forget to mention about the well... there really isn't a big significant meaning to it being placed there. My father got it many, many years ago to add to his yard. He did always like to grow gardens & plants, & he had this in his yard, along with a few other things that looked really beautiful. After we made his grave, I decided to add it out there as a wishing well for my 2 sons. My oldest is 6 & my youngest is 1 & a half. My oldest son, Noah, likes to make wishes & talk to his "Papa" out there when he visits, so I kept the wishing well out there for our hopes & wishes of him in Heaven.

  4. That is very sweet. Thanks for sharing.

  5. My name is Christie Beyers, James was my father also. I just happened to find this wonderful memorial to him, while I was also searching for my Mother Kay Beyers, who recently passed away Nov. 18th. My brother said he was going to have a headstone put out by dad's, she was cremated also, but she said she wanted her ashes thrown into the ocean because she was an avid lover of ships. So my brother promised her he would do that in the state of CT. So I was just wondering if anything had been setup for her yet, if not, could someone let me know so I could make some kind of headstone and sprinklesome of her ashes there too.
