
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Famous: The Dalton Gang

Located at Elmwood Cemetery in Coffeyville, KS.
Bob Dalton
Grat Dalton
Bill Power
Oct 5, 1892

The Dalton Gang rode into Coffeyville, Kansas on October 5, 1892 and planning to rob the Condon Bank and the First National Bank. They managed to steal $25,000 in 12 minutes. Following the robberies a shootout followed occurred claiming the lives of eight men. Four members of the Dalton Gang: Grat and Bob Dalton, Dick Broadwell and Bill Powers; and four Coffeyville residents, Charles T. Connelly, Coffeyville city marshal (killed by Grat Dalton in "Death Alley"), Lucius M. Baldwin, George B. Cubine and Charles Brown. Three other townsmen were wounded during the gunfight. The four dead members of the Dalton gang were held in the Coffeyville city jail until the next afternoon when the outlaws were buried. Placed in black-varnished coffins made of wood Grat and Bob Dalton and Bill Powers were buried in Elmwood Cemetery, Coffeyville, Kansas. Dick Broadwell finally resting place is said to be in Hutchenson, KS in an unmarked grave but there are no records as to where he is actually buried.

The following are Post Mortem Photos of the four Dalton gang members that were killed.
You can read more about the Dalton Gang at
This site has great detailed on the gang and the robbery.

The Citizens that were killed.

Geo B. Cubine
Aug 25, 1856
Killed in the
Fight with the
Dalton Bandits
Oct 5, 1892
Coffeyville Journal of October 7, 1892

George. B. Cubine was born on Walker’s Creek near Mechanicsburg, Virginia, August 25, 1856. His father died in 1862 leaving his widow and four small children. At the age of 19 George came to Kansas to live with his uncle, J.W. Cubine, of this city.

He was married December 29, 1881, to Alice A. Keyton, daughter of Thomas and Mary A. Keyton. Three children have been born to them. Jennie, born October 26, 1882, died December 31 the same year; Charlie, born January 9, 1885, survives; Ethel, born September 1, 1890, died August 27, 1891.

At the age of 16, he was converted and became a member of the M.E. church, South. After he left Virginia he never had the opportunity of uniting with that denomination and was not a member of any church at the time of his death.

He had a strong faith in God, and a veneration of all things good. His best qualities were best known to his immediate friends and relatives. Warm hearted and generous, a loving husband and father, a true friend and always quick to aid. We know how impulsively he left his work, snatched a Winchester from its place and rushed to help his townsmen protect their property.

As a mechanic, his loss is irreplaceable. He was unsurpassed for swiftness at his work, honest and faithful to the interest of others. The blow falls with crushing force on an aged mother, a helpless invalid brother, a married sister and brother. In the family of his uncle, where he made his home for many years, there is a bitter mourning as over a dear son and brother. His wife and uncle were both away from home at the time of his death. And this adds greatly to their sorrow, at the loss of one whose memory will ever be gratefully and affectionately remembered.

Charles Brown
Dec 8, 1832
Oct 5, 1892
Coffeyville Journal of October 7, 1892

Charles Brown was born in Schenectady, NY, December 26, 1832. When he was but 8 years of age, he went to Rochester, NY where he remained for seven years, during which time he completed his apprenticeship as a shoemaker. In 1847, when only 15 years of age, he went to California and engaged in gold mining for about 13 years. In 1861, he returned to his native state where he remained a short time. His next move was to Wayland, MI, where he married Miss Emily L. Morley in the year of 1868. Two years afterwards, he moved to Grand Rapids where he worked at his trade until the fall of 1883, when he moved on a farm three miles east of Coffeyville.

He moved to this city in 1888 and opened a shoe shop, where he remained working at his trade up to the time of his sad and tragic death at the hands of the Daltons on the 5th of October, 1892.

He leaves an aged widow in dependent circumstances, who has the heartfelt sympathy of all in her great sorrow.

The funeral services were held on Saturday afternoon at 3:00 at the M.E. church and were conducted by Rev. McDole, who delivered a very touching and appropriate discourse. The deceased was a member of the Methodist Church, an honorable, upright, industrious citizen, and enjoyed the confidence and respect of his fellow men.

There is a ton of wonderful information online about the Dalton Gang just Google it and you will find out all you want to know.

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