
Friday, July 1, 2011

500 Posts!

Believe it or not I have manage to put up 500 blog posts.  Whew! It has been a lot of work and loads of fun.
So now I want to hear what you guys think.
Tell me:
  • What you would like to see.
  • How you think I am doing.
  • Things I could change.
  • Basically anything you think would make my blog better.
  • I am also thinking about adding a weekly discussion post. Give me some topics you guys would like to discuss.
Thank you all for reading my blog. I look forward to reading all your suggestions.


  1. I like your blog because it's very you. I admire you because you keep going. So many blogs peter out. 500 is a great achievement, a milestone. I love it just the way it is. Here's to the next 500. Congratulations!

  2. Congratulations! I think I have a total of only 16 posts so far so I have a ways to go to catch up.

    I love your photos!

    And thanks again for solving my commenting problem as posted on my own blog.

  3. Congratulations! That's really something to be proud of. Your photos are wonderful. You must spend a lot of time on the road.... I've only been a fan for the last 15 or so: I'm going to try and catch up. Please keep writing!

  4. @MHD Thanks and yes I do spend a bunch of time on the road. My friend Theresa and I go out just about once a week and spend the better part of the day in the cemeteries. And I never go to a new town without visiting at least one cemtery.

  5. Congratulations, I always enjoy reading your blog and wouldn't change a thing when it come to post content.

    I do have a few suggestions however.

    Many people like using comment and posts feeds to keep updated. Placing these feeds where they're easy to find -near the top- will help encourage first time visitors to subscribe.

    One thing I've noticed when I visit is the header image takes quite some time to load due to its size and the scrolling background is a bit distracting.

    If you need any help with html or site design let me know -I've designed several over the years.

    I would also love to hear any suggestions you might have for my blog as I only just begun writing about cemeteries recently.

  6. @Nicole thank you for the suggestions I will consider them.
