
Monday, June 13, 2011

Update: Annie Apple Van Marm

Original post on May 20, 2010.

First Update on April 30, 2011.

I recently got to exchange a few emails with a friend of Annie Apple Van Marm's and she was kind enough to send me a few photos of her.  She also told me that Annie made all the Tye-Dyed items in the photos. Thank you so much for sending me the photos.  It is such a wonderful thing to put a beautiful face with such a unique memorial.

Annie Apple Van Marm
1971 - 1991


  1. wow! what a colorful character. such an interesting grave and life story, it's great to see a picture of her, thanks for sharing this.

  2. I was 15 and had a huge crush on Bernie, and thought Luana was the coolest lady I had ever met. I wanted to go to a party with her, she said I could go, but had to be responsible for Annie who was about three at the time. A sweet little girl. She went to sleep in the van, and I got to hang with the adults as I kept close by. That group of people on Williams street made an impact of art and music on me that still influences my thoughts to this day. I was looking for Bernie to sign a photo he took of me back then, and found this. How bittersweet to see beautiful Annie grown and smiling, only to learn of her crossing over so long ago. I send my love that never stopped, Tara

  3. Dearest Daughter heart, your beauty and love are eternal. Thank you for showing us all that death is not death. Thank you for comforting your mother through the loss in her heart, for showing her that you have not given up and that like her you are committed to healing Mother until it is done. While the tragedy of your physical death is almost too much to bare, your story before and since is testimony to me of the eternity of the will. Thank you for everything that you are.

  4. I've never met Annie Apple, but her little brother Lucky used to play with my little brother Danny back in Fayetteville, then later on, we moved, and found out that Lucky moved as well and lived close to us in War Eagle area.

    1. I remember Lucky Star! He was such a sweet and disarming young boy <3
