
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Symbol: Native American Church of North America

This was the first time I have seen this on a military marker.  I knew it was available and I expected to find this in an Oklahoma Cemetery where the Native American population is much higher than in a rural cemetery in Arkansas. Imagine my surprise.

Located in Upper Clifty Cemetery in Clifty, AR.


  1. it means they were a member of the native american church

  2. Cani ask the name on this marker as I have many ancestors with American Indian heritage from Clifty. Thank you

  3. Being a Native American vet (Viet Nam, so I have been checking out veteran cemeteries) I have found that there are four or five NA emblems one can have on the gravestone. Most are the familiar hoop with four spokes but the Native American Church has one and may soon gain a couple of others (different denominations in NAC
