
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Henson Brothers

Located at Shady Grove Cemetery in Springdale, AR.
Thomas David Henson
1888 - 1906

Louis Emery Henson
1897 - 1926

Now cometh rest and peace eternal.

The Springdale News
January 26, 1906

HENSON, Thomas David - {from Johnson} Mr. and Mrs. Bird Henson are mourning the death of their son, Thomas, aged 17 years, who died very suddenly Friday night after a short illness. He was laid to rest in Shady Grove cemetery Saturday evening.

The Springdale News
February 2, 1906

Thomas David, son of Mr. and Mrs. A.B. Henson, was born October 6, 1888 and died January 20, 1906 aged seventeen years, three months and seventeen days. His was indeed a beautiful young life. Tommie, as his friends loved to call him, was in many respects a model home boy, truthful, kind and industrious, never so tired but that he was ready to help father of mother. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. I.M. Phillips at Shady Grove church, after which the remains were laid to rest to await the resurrection morn. A Friend.

Rogers Democrat
Rogers, Benton County, Arkansas
May 20, 1926

HENSON, Louis E. - Springdale, May 15. - Louis E. Henson, 29, widely known resident of this vicinity and for two years principal of the Springdale High School, was found dangling from the rafters of the barn of his home three miles south of here late this afternoon and a coroner's jury returned a verdict of suicide. Henson had been living with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T.B. Henson, for the past several months and was said to have been suffering from nervous trouble. His father left the home about 1:30 in the afternoon to attend a school meeting at Shady Grove and his mother accompanied him to visit some neighbors. When they returned home they could not find their son but later he was located in the barn was thought to have been dead several hours. The rope had been tied to a rafter and his neck was protected by a soft cloth. His hands were in his pockets when he was discovered.

1 comment:

  1. What a graphic discription 'found dangling' with his hands in his pockets
    Poor Louis...
