
Sunday, January 23, 2011

How long have they been there? - Graveyard Rabbit Carnival Submission

Here are a few of the oldest headstones I have photographed. I had a hard time deciding which ones to share so I just picked a few and shared them. Hope you enjoy them.

Located at Newberry Cemetery in Alma, AR.
Death Date 1783
This is a cenotaph.

Vinet Fine
1755 - 1783 
Born in Virginia 1755, son of Phillip
Peter Fine. Both fought along with 4
of Vinet's brothers in the American
Revolution 1776-1781. Descendants of
Dutch Settlers New York (New Netherland
at the time 1609- 1664) Vinet and
 brothers moved to Newport, Tenn. 1781
where Vinet was killed by Indians 1783.
His body was placed under ice in what
is now Fines Creek North Carolina. His
body was not recovered and he never
had a proper burial. This monument was
 erected in his memory. He is ancestor
to all Fines and all Fine relatives in this cemetery.
Located at Laurel Hill Cemetery in Philadelphia, PA.
Death Date 1817
McKean Family Vault
This Marble
The Remains of
Thomas McKean
One of the Signers
Of the
Declaration of Independence
President of Congress in 1781
Chief Justice
of the
State of Pennsylvania
Born March 19 1734
Died June 24 1817
And the descendant of his

Note: I am not sure if this is the original stone.  I know this particular cemetery is very good at keeping the stones in good repair. This gentleman was Continental Congressman 1774 - 1776, Signer of the Declaration of Independence 1776, President of the Continental Congress 1778 - 1781, Governor of Pennsylvania 1799 - 1808, Namesake for McKean County, PA.
Located at Mount Holly Cemetery in Little Rock, AR.
Death Date 1825
Lieut Col William Lewis
1767 - 1825
Who at the age of 12 years
Joined the Revolutionary Army
In Virginia and is buried
on these grounds.

Erected by
Little Rock Chapter N.S.D.A.R.

To honor the memory of William Lewis and
all other gallant soldiers who fought
for American Independence this marker,
which formerly stood in the old burying
ground at Fifth and Gaines streets, is
placed by the General William Lewis
Chapter, N S D A R and By the Mt. Holly
Cemetery Board in this Bicentennial year
of 1976.
Located at Leeper Cemetery in Fayetteville, AR.
Death Date 1835
to the memory of
 Margaret Leeper
who died on the
14th of September 1835
Aged 68 years

Death Date 1842
 James Leeper
PVT Provisional Army
 Revolutionary War
Sept 1, 1761
Jan 7, 1842

Note These two are in a small cemetery all by themselves. He also has a cenotaph marker at the National Cemetery in Fayettville, AR. (Section 17 Site 122)
Located at Mount Holly Little Rock, AR.
Death Date 1839
Sarah Caroline
Daughter of
James Owens
And Wife of
Elijah A. More
who departed this life
one the 24th day of
January 1839
in the 25th year
of her age.
Located at Mount Holly Cemetery in Little Rock, AR.
Death Date 1840
John Cooper
A Native of Scotland
Kinross Shire Who
Depart this life
August 29th, 1840
Aged 28 years
Er'd by his friends
Jas McVicar, Sam McMorrin,
& Robt Brownlee

Note:Originally buried at the former cemetery at 5th and Gaines in Little Rock, his body was moved to Mt. Holly Cemetery after it opened in 1843.
Located at Can Hill Cemetery in Cane Hill, AR
Death Date 1845 and 1848
Died Oct 27 1845
aged 6m
Daughter of JAL & Mary Dyer McColloch

Died June 5 1848
age 12m
Son of JAL & Mary Dyer McColloch
Located at Goad Springs Cemetery in Lowell, AR.
Death Date 1851
Martha C. Banks
Born Sept 3, 1810
Died Dec 24, 1851
Located at Academy Cemetery in Evansville, AR.
Death Date 1851
In the memory of
Mrs. Jane Latta
Wife of John Latta
Born Sept. 17, 1793
Died July 29th 1851
Age 61 years 10 months and 3 days 

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