
Saturday, January 8, 2011

Damaged Caused by Abrasive

This is what improper cleaning can do to a headstone.  So before anyone clean a headstone please do a little research first.

Located at Salem Cemetery in Cedarville, AR.
Mary L. Riddle
Aug 9, 1902
Nov 17, 1924

Note: I believe her last name should be Tidwell.  She was next to a number of other markers with the last name of Tidwell.

Here is a good article about cleaning from The Association of Gravestone Studies.


  1. Warning: Personal opinion up ahead---

    And I'd like to add for those of us that photograph many stones and cemeteries that you really shouldn't attempt to clean a stone that doesn't belong to your family. Would you want someone scrubbing or even putting chalk or shaving cream on the headstone of your family?
