
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Stapler Family Plot

Located at Tahlequah Cemetery in Tahlequah, OK.
This is the original gate but sadly the fence only remains on two sides of the plot.

Lelia W.
Wife of James S. Stapler
Born Apr 13, 1859
Died Apr 16, 1898

(Note: Maiden name was Lelia Wilson Breedlove)

Of such is the kingdom of heaven
Maggie H. Stapler
at Philadelphia Penn
Feb 7, 1864
at Kinsley Kansas
July 16, 1883

(Unable to read the rest of the inscription)

Taken from the Cherokee Advocate, Oklahoma, 20 July 1883

Miss Maggie H. Stapler, daughter of Mr. John W. and Mrs. L. J. Stapler, and sister of Mr. James Stapler of the mercantile firm of Stapler & Son, of this Nation and place, died of consumption at Kinsley, Kansas, in the afternoon of July 16th, 1883, her parents and brother John, and a friend of the family of many years, Hon. William S. Phillips, being present. Her remains were expressed to this place, and interred in the family plat in the National Burying Ground here, yesterday, in the presence of a vast assemblage of sympathizing friends.

The deceased was born in the City of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, February 7th, 1864, and was, at the time of her death aged 19 years 5 months and 9 days. She was educated mainly, at the Cherokee Female Seminary, where she spent several years as a pupil, and graduated with high honors in the year 1880. She was a graduate also of the Female Seminary at Kirkwood, Missouri. In the Spring of 1882 she had a violent attack of pneumonia in the City of Washington, D.C. This was followed by another attack, here, at home, January last from which she never fully recovered - Consumption set in - and rapid decline followed. In the hop of counteracting which a trip to the Mountains was advised and undertaken. But the party, of which she was one, had only reached the western boarders of Kansas, when the vital spark went out, and she passed peacefully away.

The funeral services at the house and at the grave were conducted by Revd. W. Weaver, Pastor of Presbyterian Church here, of which the deceased was a member; Revd. W. A. Duncan and Revd. Daniel Rogers, assisting. Mrs. Weaver and Mrs. Rogers and a number of young friends, of both sexes, rendered appropriate music. The services throughout were deeply, impressive and instructive.

At 4 o'clock p.m. the beautiful casket with its precious treasure, and covered with floral offerings, was lowered into the grave; and with the solemn, concluding words of God's servant, her Pastor, "Dust to dust Ashes to ashes," followed with the Benediction, the exercises closed, and the great assemblage dispersed slowly to their homes.

By advice of their Physician the parents and younger brother of the deceased, after expressing the remains to her brother here, proceeded on their journey. They, wherever they may be, and the brother and other relatives here, have the sympathy of this entire community. that the absent ones may be comforted and restored in health, and to their home and kindred, is the earnest prayer of the Editor of the Advocate, and of the multitude of others.

With Christ: Which is far better
Mary L. Stapler
In Tahlequah. I.T.
Mar 24, 1858
Died in New York.
Jan 20, 1882

Yea, though I walk through the calling of the
shadow of death. I will fear no evil for thou art
with me.

(Note: The I.T. after Tahlequah means Indian Territory)

Baby Mary
Daughter of JA's & Lelia
Born July 9, 1882
Died June 12, 1883

Taken from the Cherokee Advocate, Oklahoma, 15 June 1883

Mary L. only child of Lelia and James Stapler - born July 9th, 1882- died June 12th 1883 - aged 11 months. The little Jewel, so bright, so precious, that came to the young mother and father scarce a year ago, was given back, for safe keeping, to the Great Giver of all good things, June 12th, and in its pretty little casket was by loving hands safely and tenderly locked in the Great Vault June 12th, to be given back at the promised opening day. Rev. Weaver and Rights officiating at the grave. Full attendance of sympathizing friends.


Here is some info I was able to find on the family.

James S. Stapler

Expanding the telephone lines into Oklahoma

Indian Pioneer Papers

Tahlequah the early years

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