
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Came by Ox Drawn Wagon

Located at Douglas Cemetery in Highfill, AR.
Jesse T. Douglas
Nov 3, 1808 - Sept 11, 1863
His Wife
Majincy E. Roughton Douglas

Both were born near Murfreesboro
Tennesse.  Came by ox wagon to Twelve
Corners, Arkansas in 1839. Settled on
this homestead in 1860.  In 1863 they set
aside this cemetery site which was deeded
by the heirs in 1904.

To them were born six sons: J. Marion,
Thomas Hopkins, Jesse Powell, Eligah H.,
John Jasper and Decatur Quitman and
two daughters: Christina Belle and
Amanda.  The sons are all buried here
except Dr. J. Marion Douglas, a high ranking
officer in the Confederate Army who
was killed in the Battle of Corinth and
buried in the Confederate Cemetery at
Vicksburg, Mississippi.

During the Civil War, Eligah was killed
by Bushwhackers a mile north of this
site while trying to save his brother's
horse.  These Bushwhackers took
all livestock, tore up the kitchen floor
where food was hidden, missing only one
box of corn buried in a field.

Thomas Hopkins Douglas also served in
th Confederate Army.

We honor our pioneer forefathers who
carved out of the wilderness this wonderful
land we love.

Eligah H. Douglas
Aug 18, 1843
Dec 20, 1864

He was killed by Bushwackers as they
were stealing his brother's horse who
was in the 15th Inf of Noethwesr Arkansas
just north of this spot on the homestead.

1 comment:

  1. Don't you love it when you find a gravestone on which someone has written their story?! Bushwackers!
