
Thursday, November 11, 2010

Mount Holly Cemetery - Basham Family Plot

Located in Mount Holly Cemetery in Little Rock, AR. Sadly my photos do not do these beautiful monuments justice.

These two monuments are the daughters of George L. and Julia Beall Basham. According to Doug Keister's book "Forever Dixie" :

"The Basham family plot features the two little Basham girls dressed in the clothing they would have worn at the time.  The sculptures were carved in Italy for the local monument company owned by William L. Funston. When the sculptures arrived, the family wasn't pleased with the likeness and had them sent back to Italy for a better rendering.  The children's statues are fronted by  cradle markers- a device used for planting flowers."
Gone Before
Papa's Sweet Heart
& Mama's Pet
Pearl Reed
First Daughter of
Geo. L. & Julia P
Born July 22, 1880
Died Nov. 7, 1886

Sister Pearly
Papa's Baby
Mama's Darling
Martha Parma
Second Baby of
Geo. L. & Julia P
Born Dec 3, 1882
Died Aug 10, 1887

The Herald Democrat, dated 26 Nov 1914, "George L. Basham, 66 years old, a pioneer resident & attorney of Little Rock, & Confederate veteran, died at 4 O'clock Thursday afternoon at his home, 415 West 18th Street, after a brief illness. He was born 24 Mar 1848, Clarksville. Parents: Oliver & Martha Basham. His father came to AR from VA in 1839, & was killed while a soldier in the Confederate army. Mr. Basham was a graduate from St. John's College, Little Rock. He entered the Confederate army at age 15, in 1863. He joined the Cabell's cavalry brigade. After Price's raid into MO, his regiment was placed in Thomas Selden Roan's brigade, where he served until his discharge. He mustered out in Marshall, TX in 1865. After the war, Mr. Basham became a schoolteacher and then read law in the office of Gallager & Newton, Clarksville. He was admitted to the bar 13 Nov 1873, & opened an office in Little Rock. At the outbreak of the Brooks- Baxter War in 1874, he served with Gov. Baxter's forces & was made a major in the state militia. He was a leader of the First M. E. Church & Sunday school, was a Scottish Rite Mason & Commander of Omer R. Weaver Camp, AR Div., United Confederate Veterans. He married 1 Oct 1879, to Miss Julia Parma Beall, who died three years ago". (Credits)

George L. Basham, attorney at law in Little Rock, was born in Johnson County, Ark., March 23, 1848; and is the son of O. and Martha (Patrick) Basham, natives of Virginia and Alabama, respectively. The former, who was born in 1810 (his wife's birth occurring in 1826) came to Arkansas in 1839, and was in a regiment stationed at Fort Gibson during the Mexican War, serving one year. He was a member of the legislature during the terms of 1851, 1852 and 1853, and was State treasurer in 1861 and 1862. Mr. and Mrs. Basham were the parents of nine children, eight of whom are now living. Entering the Confederate army in 1861, he served until his death, in September, 1864, at the charge of Pilot Knob, Mo. At that time he was a lieutenant-colonel. His widow is still living at the old homestead in Johnson County. George L. attended the subscription
schools of his birthplace, and in his sixteenth year entered the Confederate army, enlisting in Capt. Comb's company, Hill's regiment, and participating in the battle at Pilot Knob, being with Price on his last raid. Upon his return he was discharged near Marshall, Tex., May 28, 1865. After the war he resumed his studies, and in 1871 attended St. John's College at Little Rock. He began the study of law under Gallagher & Newton in the fall of 1872, and was admitted to the bar in the winter of 1878. For one and one-half years Mr. Basham was in partnership with a Mr. Ford, but the latter's death occurred a few years after, and since his death Mr. Basham has practiced alone; and while never having held a political office he has been city and county attorney, and his good judgment, refined and strong speech, would and do win for him approval and admiration from men of keen intelligence. On October 1, 1870, Mr. Basham was married to Miss Julia P. Beall, daughter of Milton Beall, a descendant of the Mississippi Bealls. Her mother's people were of German extraction. Mr. and Mrs. Basham are the parents of three children: Nuberry L. (almost two years old) and two little girls who died in early childhood. Mr. Basham practices in all the courts, circuit, supreme, chancery and United States courts. He is also engaged in the real-estate business, in which he has been quite successful. Politically he is a Democrat, and is a member of the Masonic fraternity. Himself and family are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and to all enterprises of an educational, social and religious nature he is a liberal contributor. (Credits)


  1. I am a Basham. Thanks so much for putting this together! Anyone interested in Basham history can contact me :

  2. I am so glad you approve. This is a wonderful little plot. Not to mention an awesome cemetery. I just wish my pictures had turned out better.

  3. I noticed in the 1860 census, Julia lived with Friedrica A Basham- grandmother? and Jane Basham-aunt ?. What happened to her parents Milton and Parma Beall?

    Two of her children (Pearl and Martha) died at an early age... why? In an obit it states that Julia and her husband where ill and were not able to attend the funeral of their second child (Martha)... why?

    It says in Julia's obit that her grandmother (Mrs. John H Reid) was a member of one of the oldest and best know families in the state. Cannot find out anything on this family. Also in the obit it states that grandfather came to LR in 1833, being associated with Gen. Albert in the publication of a newspaper which was know as The Journal. Were they talking about Albert Pike? And is John Reid actually John Reed (since Julia's daughter was named Pear Reed)? And same John Reed as Reed's Toll Bridge (1838)?

    What happened to their son (some records say George Leftridge Basham, Jr, some say Leftridge Basham and some say Newberry Basham)?

    One record says her son was born in 1880 (same year first daughter was born) and most other records say he was born 1887 and died in 1929. Cannot find an exact date on his death. But believe that he was married to Louise Lamping and they had one son/duaghter Parma Colette Basham?

    1. email me at and i can answer some of your questions. i am a Basham from Little Rock

  4. @Anonymous wish i could answer the questions for you. But i can not I posted all the information I have for theses individuals.

  5. Unfortunately hearts are breaking everywhere. It's just awful. :(
