
Friday, October 1, 2010

Famous File: General Abraham Whinery

Located at Bethel Cemetery in Gravette, AR.
Abraham Whinery
1795 - 1866
Served under General
Andrew Jackson in the
War of 1812, Battle of
 Horseshoe Bend. Elected
Colonel of Bedford Co.
Tennessee Militia, 1827.
Moved to Cane Hill,
Arkansas in 1828. Represented
Washington Co. at territorial
legislature from
1831 thru 1835. Auctioneer
of original town lots of
 Fayetteville, 1835 thru 1837.
Represented Washington
Co. at Constitutional Convention
in 1836. State Representative
Washington Co. 1836 thru 1838. State Senator
Washington Co. 1838 thru
 1840. Appointed Lt. Commander
of 8 companies. Removed to
 Spavinaw in 1839 after murders
of Ridge and Boudinot.
State Senator Benton and
Madison counties 1840 thru
1842. Inspector General of the
 state of Arkansas 1840. State
Representative of Benton County 1854 thru 1855.
Charter member of Wash. Lodge
No. 1 AF & AM 1836. 1838 delegate
to form Grand Lodge of Arkansas.
Charter member Far West chapter Fayetteville.
US and CSA Postmaster of Spavinaw
1852 thru 1866.
Trustee Spavinaw Methodist Episcopal
Church South.
October 1989
 Charles W. Gentry & Family
Great-Great Grandson
Charles Whinery
Great-Great Grandson
Descendents of Abraham Whinery
Jerry Hinshaw State Rep. Dis. 8
Benton County Historical Society
Mrs. Maggie Smith
William F. Teschke
Washington Lodge No. 1
Key Lodge No. 7
Bentonville Lodge No. 56
Gentry Lodge No. 222

Unfortunately the only info on Abraham Whinery was what is written on his stone. But I was able to find information on the murders of Ridge and Boudinot.
Murder of Boudinot
Elias Boudinot
John Rollin Ridge
History of the Cherokee
Letters to the Gazzette

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