
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Interesting Military Photos & Stones

I found these two wonderful military pictures on stones at Blue Springs Cemetery in Gideon, OK.
Grady W. Corn
PVT 69 Regt.
Coast Art. Corps
July 20, 1894
March 28, 1922
To him we trust a place
is given among the sain
ts with Christ in heaven
Wiley A. Taylor
December 24 1892 - October 6 1918
Motor Co No 14
Greenleaf Geor

I discovered this lawsuit that was filed by the father of Grady W. Corn seeking his military insurance benefits in the sum of $10,000 after his sons death. His father claims that his son contracted tuberculosis while in the army which rendered him totally and permanently disabled at date of his discharge. Which also led to the cause of his sons death. The case was dismissed.


  1. Both are very nice finds. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Great pictures. I know the Blue Springs Cemetary well. Grady was my uncle. Wiley was engaged to my Aunt Della when he sailed for France. Wiley died aboard ship just prior to reaching France. Grady did not live long after returning home.

    I do hope you visited the original Blue Springs Cemetary located just across Fourteen Mle Creek and took a picture of the grave site Sequoia Houston, a prominent Cherokee.

    O. Garroutte

  3. Sadly I did not. Guess I will have to go back soon. Thanks for the info.

  4. "The father" you mentioned was L.P. (Leander Pinkney) Corn from an old Georgia family-strong French connection. Both Grady's parents had French origins (quite a story here) with some Cherokee/Choctaw blood-which they renounced. They moved to Oklahoma,I.T. after the Civil war. The other side of my family is French/Cherokee. I am a member of the Cherokee Nation of Oklahooma by blood quantim. My family is a famnily of warriors from pre-history through the present conflicts.
    O. Garroutte

  5. I love hearing the stories that belong too the people/stones I photograph. Thanks so very much for sharing.

  6. Grady Corn is my great uncle. This is the only picture I recall ever seeing of him. I am taking my mother to Blue Springs later this month. I look forward to seeing this in person. Thank you for the beautiful photograph.
    Marlin Garrett
    Jenks, OK

  7. You are very welcome. If you would like me to email you a copy of the photo let me know I will be more than happy too. You can email me privately at
