
Monday, May 31, 2010

Sad Story

(Located at Flint Creek Cemetery in Gallatin, AR)

TYGART, Rosco - Rosco Tygart, son of Mart Tygart, one of the most prominent citizens in the county, went to Colorado about four weeks ago to take his chances in the far west, with bright prospects and anticipations of the future. He was 20 years, 5 months and 13 days old, stout and rugged, high-minded and honorable. His friends wished him a prosperous venture and a safe return to the old home to parents and friends - But alas! The Great Ruler who governs the destiny of man decreed otherwise. Rosco had been in Colorado but a few days when he took down with the mountain fever and his parents advised him to come home. He started and all went well until he got this side of Kansas City when the train stopped at a small station and he got off to get a lunch and the train started, and in attempting to get on he was knocked down and the car wheels passed over his leg, crushing and mangling it fearfully. The railroad authorities sent him back to their hospital at Kansas City where the very best medical skill was employed and we are informed that all was done for him that could be done. His right leg was amputated near the body and he passed away Saturday morning about 6 o'clock, nearly forty-eight hours after the sad accident. His father was with him nearly twenty-four hours before the end came.Mr. Mart Tygart telegraphed down that he had died at 6 a.m. Saturday and he would be down on the evening train. The news was flashed all over the country and when the train pulled in a large crowd thronged the depot platform to pay respect and see the remains tenderly borne away by relatives and friends. He was laid to rest in Flint cemetery at 3 p.m. Sunday. The bereaved family have the sincere sympathy of the community in their deep affliction. [Gentry Journal-Advance -Gentry, Benton County, Arkansas - April 21, 1899]

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