
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

In Memory of Confederate Dead

(Located in the I.O.O.F. Cemetery in Neosho, MO)

Complete with the makers name.

Extracted from “Historic Southern Monuments" By Bettie Alder Calhoun Emerson



The Neosho monument is located in the Odd Fellows Cemetery, one mile southwest of the town. It is a beautiful tract, containing twelve acres and situated on a rolling ridge. The monument was erected in honor of the Confederate dead by the Freeman Camp, U. C. V., of Neosho.

This monument marks the actual resting place of 163 of our soldier dead. Forty of these died while General Price was in camp here in the summer of 1861. Two small battles were fought here in Neosho, in which 80 Confederates were killed, and buried in this cemetery. The battles of Newtonia were fought in 1861 and in 1864. In these battles 43 Confederate soldiers fell and were buried in Newtonia. After the organization of the camp here the bodies of these martyrs were removed to our cemetery, where the monument stands.

The moving spirit in erecting the monument was Dr. Paul C. Yates, who entered the army from Randolph County, but lived the last twenty-five years of his life in Neosho.

While at Newtonia, to deliver the memorial address, May 30, 1908, I walked over the battlefield where our Confederate dead fell. It seemed meet that we should stand with uncovered head in the presence of our loved dead. The occasion gathered unto itself some of the saddest memories our hears could cherish. Words proved but shadows of the great flood-tide of holy emotion that struggled for utterance. Some of us went out to the cemetery and laid our sweetest flowers on the unnamed graves of our soldier dead. We stood there while the sweet perfume of flowers mingled with the holy and blessed memories that crowed into our minds and hearts.

None of these resting here wore any insignia of rank; but in the book of the chronicles of the brave men it is recorded that they wore a hero's heart within. In the annals of history their names are not mentioned. No chaplet of glory or wreath of honor has been given to them. This simple monument will mark their resting place till God's angel shall roll away the stone. - Lee Harrel.

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