
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A Forgotten Cemetery

I discovered this little cemetery while driving. I had to stop and take pictures. I find it very sad that they keep up all the area around it but don't bother to take care of the cemetery.

This is Kindley Cemetery, located in Little Flock, AR.  It is a family plot with one stone that has four names on it.

Cynthia Ann Kindley
Born May 9, 1825
Died July 12,1900
Wife of  Cyrus

Cyrus Kindley
Born Feb 3, 1817
Died March 10, 1885

Martha Jane Kindley
Born Aug 1, 1846
Died May 5. 1864

Emmaline Bell Kindley
Born Feb 18, 1856
Died Apr 11, 1872

Daughters of
Cyrus & Cynthia Ann Kindley


  1. I found 2 small burial grounds like this today. Both only had 2 visible stones. I will be posting them later. The good thing is that we photographed them. You never know how long they will be around.

  2. ugh.. why isn't this being taken care of? :(

  3. Cynthia Ann Lambeth abs Cyrus Kindley were my Great, great, great grandparents. Thank you for this.
